Toshe’s Quest is a two-game series about Toshe, our childhood Macedonian friend with a foul mouth.

The Key to Macedonia

We envisioned an alternate universe wherein Toshe is on a quest to save his beloved country. To do this, he has to reclaim the Key to Macedonia, facing unexpected challenges on the way.

Toshe’s Quest started as a high school project and evolved into something that has taken up an inordinate amount of my time.

Ten years of on-again, off-again work has finally fruited the third version of Toshe’s Quest II, available as a free Windows download.

The TQ Compendium

When I was growing up, I liked using players’ guides to locate all the nooks and crannies and learn the intricacies of whatever game I was playing.

The Toshe’s Quest Compendium exists to help keen players explore the game. If you’re more into self-discovery, you can do it that way too; the resource is entirely optional.