Hidden Passage altar


After defeating Riplin and absorbing the power of the Ominous Orb in the Hidden Passage altar, you may take on one of four specializations. The four specializations for which you qualify depend on your class.

Perks and Bonuses

Each specialization has a perk and a bonus. The perk remains constant. However, the bonus gets stronger as you defeat more enemies. Every enemy you defeat gets you closer to ranking up. Every time you rank up, your specialization’s bonus increases.


After you have reached Rank 2 in a given specialization, you may re-specialize. For a new specialization, your rank will start at 1.

If you re-specialize back to a previously-held specialization, your rank will be retained. That is, you will never lose ranks you have earned for a given specialization.

Warrior Specializations

Name Perk Bonus
Flame Knight Regular attacks are imbued with fire +2% fire reduction
Reckless Lancer 50% accuracy, 200% spear damage +2 damage
Stalwart Slayer 0% crit chance, 300% damage +2 strength
Executioner 300% axe crit damage +2 dexterity

Archer Specializations

Name Perk Bonus
Swift Sharpshooter Accuracy above 100% gives a chance to attack multiple times +2% accuracy
Soul Sniper Critical strikes restore 50 EP +0.5% crit chance
Headshot Hunter 500% final damage if attack is fatal, otherwise attack with 10% accuracy +5% crit damage
Skulker 10% chance to hide after each turn +1% elemental reductions

Mage Specializations

Name Perk Bonus
Blaze Mage 200% final fire damage +2 wand power
Stone Sage 200% final earth damage +1% block chance
Snow Sorcerer 200% final water damage +2 wisdom
Mystic Defend is replaced by Re-energize +1% physical reduction

Ranger Specializations

Name Perk Bonus
Guardian Adrenaline rushes restore HP too +2 defence
Defender 20% chance to parry a physical hit +3% base block chance
Son/Daughter of Centaur 5% chance to become enraged when hit +1% power
Scallywag Shields and bows can be equipped together, but take your turn after the enemy +0.5% water reduction per accuracy point above 100%

Monk Specializations

Name Perk Bonus
Adrenal Avenger 250% final damage at half HP or below +3% base crit chance
Astral Assailant Enemy reduction of a given element is halved against attacks using a weapon imbued with that element +2 power
Sandman/Sphinxkin Regular attacks have a 25% chance to reduce enemy accuracy by 10% of their current accuracy +3% earth reduction
Hermit 200% defence +20 EP

Druid Specializations

Name Perk Bonus
Spirit Seer 20% chance to restore 20 EP after each turn +10% XP
Weird Warlock 10% chance to use a random skill instead of regular attack +2 bow and wand power
Critical Caster 100% crit chance, 0% base accuracy +3% base crit damage
Magic Marksman Damage is calculated based on dexterity and wisdom +2 bow power

Omnibus Specializations

Name Perk Bonus
Squad Leader Always attack first +1 all stats
Paladin Gain 1 extra stat point per level +20 HP
Vengeful Vigilante 50% chance to retaliate when an ally is targeted +2% power
Alchemist 1000% healing from potions +20% euros